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Kenneth aka Stitch
Single(i think)
Stenphel aka Penguin
Single(For now)
ZhiYong aka JeongSu

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketLifeAsAPenguin

Starring: Penguin as Penguin

Notice: This story is purely fictitious. No penguins are waddling about freely in Singapore, neither were any penguins harmed in the production of this story.

Chap 1: Return to the South Pole - The ticket

Yay, I got my ticket to the south pole. Leaving tomorrow.

Chap 2: Return to the South Pole - Heavy rain

Heavy rain throughout the whole day. Flight postponed to 1 week later. Dammit.

Chap 3: The Capture - SPCA

Currently at SPCA. Some idiot thought I was a wild penguin and reported me to the SPCA. They caught me when i was sleeping on the bench.

Chap 4: The Capture - Release from SPCA

*Yawn* Now processing the documents for my release from SPCA. Stupid guy.

Chap 5: The Zoo - The adoption

Oh my god! Something went wrong. I am being adopted by the Zoo. What the hell?

Chap 6: The Zoo - Demanding kids

... In the zoo now... And the kids are demanding me to do happy feet. What!?

Chap 7: The Zoo - Happy feet

No choice. Now learning how to dance happy feet. Hard to be a penguin =(

Chap 8: The Zoo - Sore feet

Eeks. My feet are sore :O

Chap 9: The Zoo - The outburst

Me: I can no longer take it!

LifeAsAPenguin proudly presents, a parody of the renowned television series 'Prison Break'... ZOO BREAK!

Me: I shall escape! =D

Chap 10: The Escape - Planning the escape

Planning to escape with a couple of penguin mates. Penguiy, PenPen and GuinGuin.

Me: Okay.. This is what we shall do.. *whisper whisper*

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: Um. Yes. Okay.....

Chap 11: The Escape - Execute escape plan!

Me: Are we all ready to escape?

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: Yes! Let's do it!

Me: We shall follow the escape plan. Disguise ourselves at zebra crossings!

Chap 12: The Escape - Escape successful?

'Stealth Penguin' mode activated. Successfully in the zebra crossing.

GuinGuin: Yes! We did it!

PenPen: Not yet! Look! Hostile children ahead!

Chap 13: The Escape - We've been spotted!

Children: *screams* Penguins! Penguins!

Oh no! The penguins have been spotted!


Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: Plan B? What Plan B!?

Chap 14: The Escape - Plan B!

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: Plan B? What Plan B!?


All: Ahhhhhhh.....!!!

Chap 15: The Escape - The souvenir shop

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: Where! Where! Where do we hide!

Me: *points* There! Into the souvenir shop!

All: *waddle waddle*

Me: Up! Up the shelf!

All: *fumbles up into the shelf of penguin stuff toys*

Me: Don't move! And stay quiet!

PenPen: *whisper* Its warm in here...

Chap 16: The Souvenir Shop- The Kid

Me: *whisper* Just a while more PenPen, once its clear we'll get out of here

A mother and child enters the souvenir shop

Penguiy: *nudge* *whisper* Hey.. What's that kid doing?

GuinGuin: *whisper* Why.. Why he is looking at us?

Me: *whisper* Oh no! Here he comes!

Chap 17: The Souvenir Stall - Don't agree!

Kid: Hey mum! This toy is so realistic! *pokes and squeezes*

Me: *thinks* Eek! Can't.. Breathe.. Don't.. Move..

Kid: Mum! Mum! Can i buy this? Please? Please!

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: *whisper* Uh oh!

Me: *thinks* *horrified* No! No mum! Don't agree!

Mum: Hmmm...

Me: *thinks* !!! Don't agree with him!

Chap 18: The Souvenir Stall - No!

Kid: Please? Please?

Mum: Hmmm... Nah..

Me: *thinks* Phew.. I'm safe..

Kid: But why!

Mum: Its too fat and ugly, I don't like it. Put it back on the shelf.

Kid: But..

Mum: Now!

Kid: Okay..

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: *snicker* Fat and ugly.. Hehe..

Me: ...

Chap 19: The Souvenir Stall - The coast is clear

Me: *whisper* Whatever, you guys ain't much different from me!

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: *snicker* Hehe..But still!

Me: *whisper* Grr! Hey! Look! The coast is clear!

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: Oh! Oh! Let's go quick!

All: *fumbles off shelf*


Me: Alright! Let's continue with our original escape plan! Let's move!

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: Yes sire!

Chap 20: Outside Souvenir Stall - Spotted by a Baby!

All: *waddle waddle*

Me: Come'on people! Let's move it!

Baby: *points* Gagagugu?

Penguiy: Oh no. The baby spotted us!

Me: Halt! Stop moving!

All: *freezes on the spot*

Baby: *points*Pagugungofle!

Me: *whisper* Don't! Move!

Chap 21: Outside Souvenir Stall - Safe? Not Safe?

Me: *whisper* Don't! Move!

Baby's mum: *cuddles baby* Oooo. So cute my baby!

Baby: Babamisegofle!

Baby's mum: *hugs baby* Yes, yes, my dear. Oooo. Mummy give you a hug.

Me: *whisper* Okay. Quick! Take this chance to run away!

All: *waddles quickly*

Chap 22: Outside Souvenir Stall - The Hole to Freedom?

All: *waddles down the long shelter walkway*

Penguiy: What's that noise?

GuinGuin: Sounds like people.. From where?

PenPen: There! Right in front of us! A whole tour group! Now what?

Me: Quick! Hide! Somewhere! Somehow! Quick! Just hide!

Penguiy, PenPen, GuinGuin: Where!?

Me: *points* There! That hole!

All: *waddles quickly and slides down into the slippery, dark hole*

Our heros find themselves sliding down at an increasing pace. Where exactly are they? What will happen to them?


Notice: As both the author and editor are busy, the frequency of LifeAsAPenguin update will be reduced. However, it will continue! So remember to check back often! (:

Friday, August 29, 2008

On a brighter note, thanks Stenphel and Kenneth for the good time during the visit back to MSHS on Teachers' Day. This was the video I was referring to earlier this afternoon:

Just another thing I'm satisfied with... New personal best for 2.4km with a timing of 9min 54sec! =)

.:Jeong Su:.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
10:31 PM;

fuck this! Fuck This! I said FUCK THIS!

This may not be your fault entirely but this situation is damn FUCKED UP! I came here with the concious to clear these ropes. I know my ropes well. I've come prepared to do my ropes and I have been practising all the knots that I've learnt since the start of the week, even after the Teachers' Day celebrations. But now you've rightfully wasted my time and money so I thank you for that!

You may say this is a weak excuse but I want to tell you that for this past week, I couldn't book any fucking suitable slots thanks to the large number of people in the batch. (I don't expect special treatment either...) I'm also having problems with my dad, so I can't book any late slots (but I bet not even you know that). Go ahead! Tell me I didn't think or plan ahead...

Now that I haven't clear my FUCKING lvl 2 Ropes, I have an additional burden to clear. Thanks a lot for increasing my burden, especially to my PROMOS! Yes, I may have disappointed you with my Knowledge Test results, but this was my chance to make up for that mistake. And this is what I get for trying?

My ropes lane was STOLEN 3 FUCKING TIMES and yet none of these 3 FUCKERS apologize, let alone ask me or even thank me for letting them do their ropes first. (Such gratitude!) I'm going to decline mentioning the names of these 3 people becuase I don't want to hurt or break the batch. (You know who you are, don't bother to try and apologize, I won't accept it.)

Why you may think I'm wasting time is because I have been trying to make the "re-threaded fig. of 8" in less than 30 seconds (maximum). However, I did it in 30+ seconds so I've been timing and recording each time I redo the knot (At this point in time, you'd probably want to tell me that I'm not proficient enough yet.). So when my lanes get stolen, did I complain? I DID mention CLEARLY that I was using the lanes EACH TIME. So when I plead for even one chance, did you give it to me?...


Somebody tried to tell me to reason this with you so that I can still take my tests. I don't think you'd agree even if I did it. Expect the worst to happen every time. Life has so many opportunities to grasp. Since I FUCKED this up bad, I have to learn to accept it. But this doesn't mean that I'm okay with this.

Therefore, my additional gift to your Teacher's Day is to "FAIL" my Ropes Lvl 2 for you.


Have a nice day! By the way, I'm not going to drop this matter till I clear these fucking ropes.

(To me: Enjoy and Endure!... fuck...)

Enjoy the rest of your teacher's day, for you have made this experience to me, most pleasurable...

*And from my experience, word of this will get to you. I don't give a damn about the sources you receive this info from and I don't give a SH!T about that... Meet me if you want, give me extra tasks, but you're not going to get anything from me till this shit is over... (Call me WEAK if you want.. I don't care.)

.:Jeong Su:.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
6:49 PM;

Sunday, August 24, 2008

things keep piling up.
i'm literally feeling the stress and pressure from inside me.

i don't know how to solve them.
i really don't know how.

don't tell me.

maybe its just me.
i don't know.

but sometimes i wonder if people really cared about you.
or you're just left all alone to fend for yourself.

i don't know who really cares.
sometimes i think its just me lying to myself.

i don't know.
i think i'm handling things wrongly.
i don't know which.

its raining now.
no matter how much i want to deny it.
somehow i feel like crying.
but yet i don't want to cry.

almost cried that day.
small matter.
but i think my brain was telling the body to cry.
to release all the stress built up.
didn't in the end.
plugged it up and hanged on again.

i haven't cried in a long time.
not really planning to do so any time soon.

i don't know how to say it.
its just.
i don't know.

feels weird.
its irritating sometimes.
everytime that happens.

and i think many problems come from me.
perhaps others don't notice.
because i don't say it.
i think its just me.

bottling them up.
swallowing them down.
take a deep breath and pretend nothing ever happened.

doesn't that sound good.

its too simple.
but it just doesn't work that way.

it just affects me someway or other.
even if i don't show it.

i think i reached my limit.
i'm tired.
i need to release somehow.
i don't know how.

i really need to learn how to.
its my fault.
it is.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
3:37 PM;


Ok, enough random stuff. =P Time for more interesting stuff to tell ya about!

Just did the Singapore Bay Run / Army Half Marathon less than 12hrs ago... Damn FUN I tell you... (These stuff I'm about to tell you are not gonna be in order, but what comes out of my head.)

Woke up early and left teh house around 6.06am in the morning.. When I got on the MRT, the journey I practically saw abt 7 ppl wearing the same Bay Run Dry-fit Tee inside lah.. At first a bit apprehensive about the competition because some look like damn good runners.. But still mentally prepared! (Was wearing mah Bay Run tee, CJC PE pants and me Asics 2130 shoes) We joined 10km open Non-competitive run (paid $17) coz' competitive a bit expensive..

Met at City Hall MRT around early 7 plus am. Got a few ppl like Maurice, Jia Jian, Javis all meeting near the ticketing machine, so also wait there for people. Then saw SAJC ODAC there also (wearing bright yellow t-shirt).. Javis and Jia Jian talked to them abit becoz' got their friends inside. They think they act big lah.. Javis say they see us only got like a handful of ppl then they say smth like "Huh? You all Bay Run only got so little people participating ah?" They kena PWN3D by us later.. Not even 1km we already caught up with their batch and sarcastically shout back to them, "Go ODAC!!!" >=) At the finishing line, when their 1st SAJC ODAC-er just cross the line, we already got like 7 guys past the finishing line already (me included =P). I also heard that it was a GIRL who was the 1st to cross the line.. Shame shame!

Moral of the story? : Don't act big! Must have humility...

Let's see... Oh yeah! The race flagged of at 7.30 - 7.40 am. The competitive runners ran ahead first before the non-competitive follow after. Because we were ALL THE WAY AT THE BACK, we practically past many people. Felt a bit excited becoz' it was the first public run I had and it felt interesting to run on the highway. Not even 1 - 2km got people already stopping for drink at water-point.. Lol.. Even see many many Army, a few Air Force, and many OCS cadets stopping during the run.. (and I thought most of them were good...) Also got like many people stopping lah.. What the hell.. Have to always run past so many ppl.. We have no idea how many no. of ppl we run past lah.. More than 1000 I guess.. (maybe a bit too much? or too little? =S Whole run practically ran past hundreds of people... even to the finish.. faster than most anyway around 80%? Dunno larz..) Didn't feel tired at all..Very interesting lah..

Around 8 - 9km, I saw like a few old people running leh.. Their stamina for their age damn pro sia... Umm.. Oh yeah! Jia Jian, Maurice and I ran ahead during the starting of the run while the rest of our batch who participated were behind (probably because too many people). Around the bridge (cant remember which one) we all sorta met each other again.. Then about 7 - 8km (if I'm right) John, Chong Kai, Edmund and Maurice opened their stride bigger and ran faster than pacing. So just see them inch further until cannot see anymore.. Then Mathias was running beside me.. After a while, he also disappeared behind in the crowd. (Dunno how many people blocking sia) About 1km later then Jian Li caught up with me.. Was like 2 - 3km away from finish, we run until like left less than 1km then I lost sight of him coz' he sped ahead. Around 200m away (see signboard) from finish I started sprinting. The adrenaline feeling was WOW! Suddenly like everything beside me all blurred up. Close to the finish I felt the strain from sprinting alr but didnt stop.. Past finish line I check my watch. Timing was like 51min 58sec (give or take 30sec max becoz' I didnt click my watch exactly when I pass the starting line). Then ppl like John, Maurice, Edmund, Chong Kai, Jian Li all there alr. (1st time Chong Kai did 10km run and he clocked like 51min! He finish same time as Edmund and Mau. John say he lagged behind them a bit because stomach upset. Jian Li was ahead of me by maybe 20sec max?) After a while then see SAJC's 1st runner.. Lol. We should have joined competitive 10km... Nvm, still got nxt yr..) After the run me legs felt damn light.. But after a few hrs, I feel a bit of pain. Hope tmr wont die on me. xD

Saw some pretty interesting stuff during the run also. Apart from the usual CBD district buildings and Singapore Flyer in the background, we also saw some band at the 4+ km mark and a cheerleading squad at 8+ km mark.. =/

Oh yeah! Prashan (competition team trainer for ODAC during 1st semester) got 2nd in place for Singapore Open 10km Bay Run! (Open is to the whole world, Closed is for S'poreans and PRs so it is considered easier) His timing was like 30+ if I'm right.. (He discussed with the 1st position runner abt the timings.. Cant exactly rmber.. The 1st position went to some thin and dark-skinned runner, maybe African? =S) and Miss Elaine Lim (S'pore's 3rd fastest National runner and one of CJC's P.E. tch) got 2nd in Women's 21km OPEN! (with a timing of 1hr 36mins... Do the maths and be shocked at how fast she run!) The first in the Women's 21km was some Caucasian.. Imagine that.. I think she's like the 1st or 2nd fastest S'POREAN FEMALE runner! Both Prashan and Miss Lim are super pro!!! Congrats!

Then at the Padang field, the field reminded me of June Expedition because the field where they put all the vendors were super muddy (like the squealching-sucking mud during Batu Puteh's summit, only lighter in color and shallower). My Asics 2130 shoes didnt have a chance to stay clean.. XD The Bay Run goodie bag damn cheapo! Only got those recyclable bag (PURPLE in color! "GAY"!) with a bottle of NEWater and some book (with vouchers and details of the event). They also handed out a free printed blank certificate that showed participation in the run. Lawl.. But at least the collectable vendor refreshments were better. They were handing out cans of 100 plus, bananas and ice mountain mineral water.

Saw many OCS ppl doing push-ups after our run altogether and saw the prize presentation (along with LOUD BASS in speakers blaring out congratulation music). After that got nothing much I guess.. There were like 16ppl participating and Jin Shi and Donna were present as well. (Jin Shi help us take care of bags.. Thank you! =)) Jia Jian and Donna went to Expo to collect Nike Run Event pack after that..

Erm.. Later we went to Funan Mall and ate Pepper Lunch as a batch (mostly). Then played a few games that made everyone roar with laughter.. (Linh is damn funny! Laugh until cry and stomach ache until want to 'pang-sai'! xD) Left the place around 2 - 3+ pm (We kinda made a mess out of the floor because the dried mud from our shoes dropped when we were there). Then went to Sports Connection see-see shoes and other sportswear.. etc etc. Then after that we say goodbye then I went home via. MRT.

This is my 2nd 10km run and I'm super happy with the results. Me first was when I just joined ODAC and did it during March holidays (organized by Chang Yong). Did it in 1hr 10mins which was damn lousy.. But now can clock abt 52mins (53 MAX! which is a bit exaggerated)... YAY!~

That's all I guess... Heh!... =)


.:Jeong Su:.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
3:33 PM;

Friday, August 22, 2008

heya. penguin here. first of all. i wanna tell zhiyong. NICE VIDS! if i were to gif u a rating out of 5 stars, i would give u 10 man! lol...

had been dota-ing recently lol. keep on choing. ytd juz dota wif shawn until 4am. den 7am wake up LOL. den 11am go china town meet pam. we like travelling aorund sg. by 12 we were in far east plaza. around 2, we were in bugis. den around 3 we were in bukit batok. den 3 plus in bukit gombak. COOL RIGHT LOL.

uh. went her hse help her stone. wanted to leave at 4. end up say 4:30 den say 4 45. den say 5. den say 5:15. end up 5 30 -.-... lol. reach home continue dota lo. the end.

k la. tata.~


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
11:39 PM;

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


What happens when you get too stressed with coming promos? You just get uber high and random!!! XD

Just did this randomly... Took it on Aug 18 2008 around 8.30pm... Feel free to laugh and comment!!! =P

Let's see how all this started...

Me bro was showing me some of the videos he recorded of himself doing popping (what I am doing on the videos) and C-walking (search Kyodra on Youtube and watch the battle vid, that guy also happens to be my bro's friend. Only can be self-taught, others can't really teach you how to do it..)

Since it seemed so interesting, I just suddenly felt the urge to do it too! d(^-^)b

He let me try these two songs:
1st vid = DJ Db - Hip Hop Beat
2nd & 3rd vid = Freestylers - Don't Stop

Great beats.. Hope I didn't tarnish their reputations.

So I just dance to the beat!...

or popped... XD

The very beginning... I have no idea why I walked like an idiot then.. XD

Wahoo! Base thumping! Literally ROFLMAO! XD

This one was worth it... I kinda liked this one.. Heh! =D Last part a bit screwed up actually... Was suppose to stop after the "puppet" thing.. but me bro insisted to continue...

Note: There wasn't any choreography done prior to the video, nor do I have any dance background..

Muahahaha~~ Fun!!! =)

Maybe I should learn dance when after the promos...

Stenphel from dance CCA right? Rate it!!! You too Kenny! XD

(welcome to my random side.. =P)

.:Jeong Su:.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
11:30 PM;

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

suddenly became very holy..
relatively holy..

let's see..
last friday was the assumption.. or ascension?
no. wait.
ascension is jesus. assumption's mary.
went for mass..
near miss: 1

saturday was cjc catholic j1 retreat..
it was quite okay i guess..
more of classmate bonding than learning much..
never knew kyle was talkative.. gary was quite calm.. michelle and calista i know..

she and calista were bored..
so i went over after writing my note to entertain them..
started playing with anything i could find..
i.e. markers.

then was the vandalism competition..
i kinda lost. =X

and the result?
both my legs badly vandalised to the knee area..
got my name.. smiley faces.. clock.. stars.. butterflies.. net.. to-ge-pi (the egg pokemon).. etc.

and during mass..
shouldn't have given us the tealights..
'cos we were all playing with it during mass XD

and wax is very nice to play with..
unless it was hot and spilled onto your hand that's a different case.. *hint hint*

let's see..
how many times did lynette's paper catch fire?
2 or 3..
the last one was quite bad..
she couldn't blow the flame out..
then it was eating the wax away..

i had to pull out my shoe quickly and 'stamp' on it..
1/4 the paper gone..
with alot of wax and ashes at our area..
even our facil was playing..

calista tried to dip the paper into the wax..
then lynette pushed her hand..
guess what..
now she's got a blacken fingernail!
omg man!

then was mass..
quite messy at the peace-ing part..
didn't expect all the huggings..
not really used to it..
unless i know the person well enough..

michelle's okay.. gary's okay..
isabelle.. okay i guess.. just weird..

i'm not tim though isabelle..

wait. is that even the way her name is spelt?

loved the trip home..

go for mass..
weekend mass..
3 in a row already..

nothing much really happened..
other than walking in the rain..

love the 153..
and you too

4th mass in 4 days..

not really sure if its another near miss yet..
not confirmed yet..
hope its count 2..

i still want to make it home after tuition..

don't say anything about that.


pretty much for the 'i'm relatively holy' portion of the post now..

onto something else..

maybe i should stop doing my tutorials early..
or i'll just end up dozing off during tutorials when the teachers go through the tutorial..

ms lee knew i did my work..
so she just let me sleep..

dozed off for like 1 second..
rajoo's eye immediately pinpointed me..
abit fast ar.

then was made to stand..
was supposed to stand for 5minutes only like kyle did..
but rajoo went on to lecture the class on bucking up for promos for face the fate of 1t24 disbanding for 2009..
so that translates to me standing for 30minutes..

then the sitting down part was funny..

rajoo asked a question to the class..
then he waited..
then he looked up and saw me..
i was looking at him too..
then he frowned..
like asking himself..
'why is kenneth standing'

'oh. kenneth. my apologises. please sit.'


let's see..
improvements for the past week..
i must say only to friends..

much much closer to lynette now.. literally and figuratively..
considering we sit next to each other in class..
much much better with kyle now.. at least we are chatting normally now..
still as good with calista.. still nice to disturb her..
just as good with michelle..
alot better with gary.. he's not a naughty person at all la..

and best of all with you XD
so small! just a nice fit :)


Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
8:16 PM;

Sunday, August 17, 2008

hihihi... had been bz lately. 2 papers past. tml last one. den holidae 2 month :)) ... jio me out ar people :P... if not i stone at home lol. thats pretty much of recently's happenings.

oh ya. i m feeling beta from my fever. even though juz now got abit of the hot hot feeling.

recently, everyone's falling in love. mmm. even kenneth is lol. me ar.. can say like also bah. but i fear rej ection. =l... its like. how ur gonna face her?... aiya dunno la. wait exams finish first den say. shall refrain from sms-ing her. she seems moody. =l... dunno. BLUR LA BLUR LA. head pain.

would not even hav blogged if kenneth nvr ask me to -.-... blehX...


chuakaitingkathlyn. HIHIHI :D...

lol. caz shes talkin to me on msn now. she say i bully her. yea right. i so nice :x...

yup i tink thats all. tata

Penguin~ my expedition to south pole has not ended!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
7:14 PM;

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

something interesting for the past few days.

they can be quite wrong..
if you think wrongly..


kenneth ong.
no not me. ko, not kc.

did i mention before?
he was play bridge on my table with the other guys..
then i was playing my psp..
he waiting for his turn.
then he say.
'KC is sooo cute.'

we all stun.

then today..
i was play psp again..
then he like to watch..

he bored..
so go walk walk around the class..

then walk back to my table.
then tap tempo on my table..
then i look up.

guess what.
he blew kisses at me!
what the freak!

quite funny la.

he's joking actually.
i think.

i hope XD

noodle stall auntie and uncle.
i buy $2 noodles..
forever like 3-4 portions.

my friends always go..

that's just wrong ok your sms...
what the freak la..
i don't think so..
but i meant what i meant in the reply ^^V

sidetrack: yea. that picture i drew, the angle was wrong.. supposed to look something lik ^^V

calista's a strange girl...
she sings in class..
not the nice nice sing.
is the anyhow off tune loud screechy singing type.

and she laugh ar..

i went back to class during break with her and michelle to do my physics file content page..
she is super strange!

i was writing.
then she took a chair.
sat opposite me on the other side of the table..
and just stare at me.

for like 2-3 minutes until michelle came back from toilet..


the girls call me cat, stitch and kc
the guys call me stitch and kc

ok la.
what the freak..

they claim the way i ate the cookie was like cat.
then at macdonalds say is drink coke like cat.
then say i do pull-ups jump down like cat.
then say i crinkle my nose up like cat.
then say i make funny noises like cat.

everything all cat cat cat.

anabel will go like..
'you are such a cat'

what is that supposed to mean sia..

the chinese wok auntie..
what the freak!

i get one mountain full of food..
what the hell..
like $5 portion la.
took me quite long to finish..

no i don't think she's that too..
i prefer to think she just want to finish selling the food.

the cleaner lady.

she's quite nice.
i like to just chat chat a bit when i see her..

like to ask me i eat already or not..
studies how..
finish school already ar..

quite nice la..

she was the one who let my IG guys to use pail and bathe in the girls toilet during orientation one..
super nice la..
then after we all bathe we offer to help her at least wash all the mud alway..
('cos we just finish mud games)
then she keep insisting no need..
say don't sweat already, get dirty again etc.

yup yup.

but your still the bestest person in cjc and everywhere else.
strange girl.
but i like.

shall go back to physics tutorial now..

i sure enjoy doing physics.
wonder how to do external resistance of a circuit?
why it will have maximum power dissipated when external resistance is equal internal resistance?

doing tutorial which haven't been taught yet.



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11:10 PM;

neck a bit.

now my neck always tired one..
lecture tired..
tutorial tired..
watch batman tired..
different case.
who asked me to sleep on the floor.

all i did was lie flat on the floor to plug in the telephone plug properly..
then next thing i knew.
was that it was 8 already..

let's see..
take care yo!
don't be too hot..
later you die.
disclaimer: i wasn't the one who said DIESTENPHEL DIE!


stupid boy.
gave me a shock when you called me la..


what else..

nothing much..

other than t24 rocking the house.
not literally.

woo hoo!

back to gp!

'omg! aq!'




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9:02 PM;

yup. took medication the 2nd time alrdy. :D... yea i might be attention seeking now. :P... who doesnt wan attention =x... it depends on which type of attention. good ones de la. :)... thx for those who express ur care. i shall go watch youtube... brighten up my night. :D . den hav an early rest. tml shal lwake up and choing EG1. exams on fri. GOOD LUCK TO ME ^^. oh ya... if i nvr ask u to view my blog. it does not mean that i dun think u care about me. its juz that either i nvr see u online or u really was not online xD... so yea.


penguin ( EG1 is obstructing my way back to the south pole. dammit! )

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8:58 PM;

heya. i m feeling better now... dun wanna take my temp >=)

lol. hopefully its below 38 xPP... thx for the concern to some people :D.... if i asked u to come and see my blog. it means i noe i can count on u to show me some concern :x... haha. lol. yup. so hopefully u dun go " DIE STENPHEL DIE"... ya. -.-...


Penguin. really nid to go bak to south pole. temperature here too high. >"<

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7:25 PM;

bak. my total medical fee is like $100. fever now is 38.4 degrees. i had blood test juz now. hopefully results are ok. mind is in total confusion. so wat do i do now? i ps-ed her for the 2nd time. gosh. something is seriously wrong wif me. i m not scared of dying. u noe. wat will become of my family. with 1 kid lesser. no idea. mmm. i m quite ok in a sense. taking things by my stride. oh well.

show me the path . anyone?



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11:52 AM;

mmmm... currently blogging wif a fever of 38.6 degrees. had not been feeling well since ytd morning. woke up, felt kinda sick. took temperature found out was 37.5... tot it was nth. so i took panadol, drank some lou han guo and went to sleep. woke up, took temp again. was 36.8... so i tot was ok to go out. i went out , half way i felt sick again. did not want hre to worry so i said i was ok. but finally, after dinner, she forced me home...(thank you for doing so)... on the way home, i almost collasped in the mrt. i felt so sick dat i squatted down in the middle of the crowded. got 1 uncle was staring at me. i reach home... i sat down on the sofa for 30mins. caz i was so out of breathe. i wanted to go bath, but did not hav the strength to do so. i went t othe toilet finally caz i felt like vomitting. when i reached the toilet. i totally lost my strength and fell on the floor. my sis saw and ask my mother to come and see me. i took my temp. was 39.2 degrees. den i went to the doc. i felt so sick that i was lying down on the bench. den the person at the counter saw that i was so sick dat i had a privillage to go first. right after the patient came out, i went in. cutting the queue of others. doctor said i might hav a possiblity of a case of dengue fever. i was like oh no.. i hav exams this fri and sat... how sia.. he ask me to come bak on thur to double confirm. i went home, still felt sick. i followed someone's advise, i cover myself wif the blanket, not on-ing the aircon and slept. so as u all noe, my body sure gets hotter and the idea is to let me sweat. after i slept for 1 hr, my father came home. he sponged me. incase u dunno wats sponging, its to take the cloth, put it into a pail of ice water, and put it on my body. so.. wif my body heat so high. the moment the cloth landed on me.... the feeling. cold like hell. it was as though my room was snowing. den my tempt did went down to 38.2... den i woke up at 1am. tempt went down to 37.5... but now i woke up again. the temp went up again. so i m going to another doc in like 5mins times... hopefully its nothing serious... no worries. i m ok :)


Penguin (a cool hot animal =] )

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10:47 AM;

Monday, August 11, 2008

Oh my gawd... What have I done...

I've tainted the blog with so many scars and hatred...

Kenneth, Stenphel, I apologize for bothering you guys. Sorry to make you feel worried. Thanks for your concerns..

Once again, a thousand apologies...

.:Jeong Su:.

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7:51 PM;

1. Understand the situation and take action to prevent it.

2. Stop hurting those around you, especially those you love and cherish, by taking action now.

3. Get over 1st wave of depression & ride on the 2nd wave of improvement.

?. Don't care aout that person and ignore here existance completely. She is self-destructive. Screw here achievements.

4. ODAC has taught you plenty enough: (to differenciate these weak and useless people)
to connect and transfer the good things.

5. Make mum proud too. Don't let dad, mum, grandma, family, friends & everyone down.

6. Frankly, there isnt enough time anymore so buck up ur performance. Make this positive change happen. Be positive! & work towards self-improvement. (Wake up!)

.:Jeong Su:.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucketwrittern at;
11:55 AM;

*Just ignore this post if I were you. But if you're still interested, read on...

(2350hrs, 10.08.08)

I'm living in a nightmare... I'm still a kid. I'm still having such a childish mindset. I've not matured enough yet, I havent grown up yet... Because of that, I'm now hurting those around me for the way I live my life... ...

I dont want that to happen.

All the consequences, the pain, agony and suffering... I understand if I dont promote J1.

Yet I'm not taking action.

I'm afraid if I do so, something will go wrong.

I dont want to let anyone down, especially myself. I'm troubling my dad, sis, friends, teachers...

I don't have much time left. If I don't grasp it now, I'll never get another second chance. I need this now...

Please grant me the strength I need. Stop making me hurt the ones that I love and cherish.

KILL ALL TEMPTATIONS!!! To hell with that damn game Combat Arms...

Pass the promos, pass the PROMOS!!!

Grant me self-discipline. Let me clear those troubles. Stop making me hurt them... I need to stay awake, let me write this and stay in this clear mindset for the future... Please... Help me...

I'm afraid to face those consequences of not promoting again.. They're running through my head again. I want to achieve the goals I set but I need assistance. I need people to push me, control me and make sure that I myself don't lose that focus.

I've now gained back that conscious of studying. Please don't let me lose it again. Don't let it repeat again. Not like the 'O' level prelims, not like that FUCKING certificate frm grad night... Help me please!!!

Why are long term goals so hard to achieve? Why can't it be like my running? With so much pushing, enduring.. I can accomplish it. But why cant studying be the same? How come it's not that easy to connect and transfer? Grant me the discipline to study and the guts and mentality to take action.

I cannot imagine those failures again. FUCK ALL who HYPOCRITE abt the things they say they dont do but they DID. I need company... good company... I cant fall any deeper or I'll risk losing everything.


My actions are fucked up now, so buck up! First wave of depression has ended and this must be overcome. Get that mindset to self-improve further. Seek help & give me forgiveness for the misleaded tantrums and anger. Rid my mind of suicide and physically abusing myself and others. Make this HAPPEN! Grab Life's opportunities that come in my way. I cant bear to risk it anymore. Help... Me...


*Dont get me mistaken / have the misconception. But she is an intolerable bitch. (To Hell for these ppl that He create)

Dont let me do smth stupid again like self-abuse and ignorance.

7 weeks... that's all I have before IT comes for me...

I can change that fate now. I need to give up unimportant things. Hopefully, my B-Day will not end up as D-Day...

Let me have the discipline to achieve long term goals like studying...

Think positive now that temptations are removed. Quickly accustom myself to this implimentation. (ADAPT! ADAPT!! ADAPT!!!)

Set this goal to achieve promos and take action towards making it happen in reality. This might be the last time I'm blogging. I gotta sleep now and change my currently doomed future.

To Kenny, Sten & everyone else: I'm sorry you have to read this. I hope you understand...

(1259hrs, 11.08.08)


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11:21 AM;

shall post some pictures..
always say shall post the picture of this this this, that that that soon..
in the end never..

supposed to be doing math now..
shall post instead.

give me your hand! marry me!!
haha..facils being super high and enthu ^^
this was the super-continuous-one-line-high-five-smack

ahh!! don’t fall! don’t let go!
me and alvin almost falling down..
lucky have nicholas and whoever that green shirt person is to hold us up..

speak to the hand! =D

now this explains why the guy facils behind were so squashed up..
forgot what condition of rearrangement was this..
but a good guess would be longest leg hair to shortest XD

group 7!
this was first day..
so have the invisible great wall of the sexes between the sec1s.
which reminds me..
i haven’t asked for the group photos yet..

love the lightsticks effect man.
love the shutterspeed.

too many lightsticks to play with after ‘campfire’.


super Mario land! XD

great wall of lightsticks beside my mattress

top view of my great wall

tau pok! tau pok!
person in pink is ian chen..
the odac guy I was talking about last time..
strong sia

the ordinary doll.
costume designer – Kenneth

stone. stone.
i was paying full attention ok? XD

omg man!
three lamborghinis together!!
super sleek!!
super nice!!
i want!! the white one! ^^

white one..
plus my niece posing in front of it..

the black one..
it looks much shinier in real life..
my phone camera not good.

3 cars worth 3 apartments parked in 15m range.

the other drivers must be thinking..crazy tourists. XD

love, stitch
courtesy of cel..
she drew this upside down..
not bad eh?
then the ink spread..
just makes it look better

roy’s van..
covered with all the post-its and filled with balloons..

the world's most adorable stitch toy ever :D
it’s a lollipop its biting..not a casino chip by the way..

world second most adorable thing.

This is what happens when you’re too efficient in your lectures..
You end up having to waste time in last lecture..
my class people sleeping after completing the 5minutes+ quiz and wasting the next 40minutes away..



physics spa.
when you complete your experiment too quickly you get bored..
you entertain yourself by exploring the lab.
who wanna do the limbo rock? :P
i did.and almost fell backwards XD

you just gotta love physics.
for both internal and external factors. XD

gotta love the evening sky..
wonder if will ever get a chance to go stargazing?

the things we do in church. quote from roy
after mass at the pew.


roy’s bunny + my new keychain stitch and the still-nameless dog

was fun after the mass dance at ccab!
try to find time soon to do it again shall we?
that's if, there is time.

halfway through geography project..
working on the worst landslide in human history..

later going out for econs project.. then movie.
all at lido.
t24 mass outing!


l___ y___ m____ m____! (:

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9:54 AM;

Sunday, August 10, 2008

yesterday... nothing interesting. was singapore's bdae lol.went to sts to say hi to some D1 people. den left after like 30mins wif diyanah to go to vivo city. diyanah was kind to accompany me to find a bdae present :)...

so we went to LJS to eat lunch. GOD SHE EAT DAM SLOW LOL. and i suaned her 2hrs non stop =x... so fun lol. den we went mini toons. den she ask me buy her a stuff toy for her bdae. so anithin la. since she pei me. den buy for her lo.

den shop sho paround . finally found a present lol. den went home. reach home. played dota, watched a korean movie wif my family. quite sad that show. ( 2 faces of my girlfren )... but ending was sweet :)... den i went to slp lol.

SUNDAY. THE BBQ day. i woke up early. lol. i went to market wif my mom. to get some stuff for the bbq. and a bdae cake :).... so around 11:20 i left my mom to go and meet up wif pam, brandon and faith. i met pam at 12:10. orginal time was 12pm. so she was still ok :)... BUT BRANDON WAS 50MINS LATE. GOOD JOB BRANDON! u beat ur record of being late for 45mins lol.

den went to eat pepper lunch wif they 3. i burnt my tongue there -_- pain pain. den we went to shop around for pam's dress. den jolin came to find us. after that faith left. so the 4 of us went to my hse.

den reach my hse, we chit chat in my room. and we played taboo :)... so fun LOL. den we went downstairs to bbq. they were so nice lol. keep on wan to help me. but i said no. they were guests mah :)... den after eating, we went upstairs again.

had a surprise for pam :).. wanted to do in at the roof garden. but den some jokers dun wan to go up. end up blow bdae cake in my room. xD... i think pam was so touched until she almost cried aha.

den we went my roof garden to chit chat. we talked ALOT ALOT of stuff. PG to M18 LOL. yea. was really nice. like a small gathering lol. chatted for like 1 hr plus and did not noe lol...

den we went my room continue play abit of taboo. den they all went home. thats was prolly all about it :)... had a fun day.

hope the 3 of u did too. not to 4get faith :)...



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11:34 PM;

Saturday, August 9, 2008

"The craziest thing I've done for love... was to tell a gal face to face that i liked her and then waitied 5 years for her. den i finally let go... and i did not regret one moment waiting for her"

Catch Wall-E in cinemas from 28 August 2008

Originator blog:"

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11:46 AM;

Thursday, August 7, 2008

helo helo helo. currently blogging inside the library. todae was supposed to study. SUPPOSED LOL. ok fine. but i did study ok!. its a matter of alot of abit only ^^. ytd was a complete failure of tryin to study in sch.

was like omw to meet jolin and shu tian to study but den i saw yh, is and chun yang and 1 more guy whose name i 4got again xPP. den i ask them what they were doing they said got D1 gathering for shitan's bdae. so i stayed wif dem lo.

occasionally i went to find jolin and shutian. i studied 15mins of EG1. den i was playin WC3 and CS wif the guys LOL. den half way jolin ask me to accompany her to FMS block. fine. den she ps me there. !$!#$!#$#! Lol!!

den i went bak. um. nth interesting happened. after jolin came bak, i went to lunch wif her, shutian , jasmine and 1 more gal. den finish i went bak and continued to play wc3 :D:D...

den at the evening , i went to find pam to say hi to her. den left.

POOR SHI TAN LOL. kena bdae bashed. his whole hair was filled wif wipcream la LOL. den he had to shouted "iam a gay" in the whole canteen LOL... everyone was like stunned xD.. but the group of us. about 13 of us laughing our heads off.

den we went to eat botak jones. den i went home earlier :)...

reached home nvr stright away bath. becuz kenneth CHEN shi an. asked me to play gunbound LOL. we met 2 veri interesting people from msia. they were like veri kind ahaha.

den play finish around 11:20 go bath. den went online to chit chat on phone. talk until around 2am+... den went to orh orh.

had to meet louis and 10am in the morning. i 9:30 am den wake up HEHEHE.. LOL...

den father juz nice going near bukit timah so i asked him for a lift to sch ahahahhahahaha LOL. reached at around 11am.

study play study play. den that jolin, said wanted to borrow my computer. i walked to FMS block den she tell me is at our space the block. make me walk here and there. lol. den liddat lo. as u all noe. now i m at library. wif pam, jon, and 2 other strangers whose names i 4got AHAHHAHA. which in the end pam fill up the missing name list for me. Manling and Qihui both like gal names. but one of them is a guy! *GASP GASP. LOL. and hes wearing a cap indoors. must be the library light too bright le LOL.

hope he wun see my blog. ~.~... i juz got punched by pam for writing that. HEH.

i space to not let her see what i typed LOL. if not later she whack me again.

ok. so later got dance sports. i hope starting can do abit of jive ^^. veri fun LOL. got technique class. heeeeeeeeh. sunday got bbq. can ask around 3 people... who to ask?. KENNETH. ZHI YONG. U TWO WAN GO?... wan go call me. offer ends in 1hrs time. LOL. as if u all will read so fast liddat. k la see how it goes lol.


bye bye~



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4:41 PM;